Keep your system performing
With any kind of system, you need to know that it will do the job it's designed for, that it will always do it and that it will be easy to perform any kind of maintenance work so that the system can keep performing its designated function. You need to know that it will be reliable, available and easy to test & maintain and it's our job at Smart Engineering Services to make sure that it is.

Our 'availability' services cover:
Availability Requirements
Availability Analyses
Logistics Support Analysis
Our 'maintainability & testability' services cover:
Maintainability Requirements
Maintainability Evaluations
Maintainability Analyses
Maintainability Reviews / Audits
Design For Maintainability Procedures
Reliability Centred Maintenance
Design For Testability
Built-In Test design and analysis
Maintainability & Testability demonstration
Fault Injection testing

Keep your system performing
With any kind of system, you need to know that it will do the job it's designed for, that it will always do it and that it will be easy to perform any kind of maintenance work so that the system can keep performing its designated function. You need to know that it will be reliable, available and easy to test & maintain and it's our job at Smart Engineering Services to make sure that it is.